The RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster shore-based course is for those with some experience in skippering under their belt. You may have owned a boat or chartered several times in familiar waters, but now want to push yourself. Perhaps you would like to charter a larger boat or you want to explore more challenging waters, then this is the course for you.
If you simply want to continue your personal development and build confidence then it is a great course too, but don’t forget to go and put it into practice on the water!
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Please see our Terms and Conditions
This online self-taught version of this course has been very popular as you get to complete it totally on your own schedule. If you get stuck with any of the online lessons and questions while working through it then you can easily be in touch with one of our instructors to help you out.
We also provide access to further tuition videos to help you revise or approach any topic from a different angle.
The course is completed when the 3 exams have been passed and marked by the instructor.
The exams are:
IRPCS (Rules of the Road)
Passage Planning (includes an appraisal phase)
All required learning materials
Postage of materials
Questions answered and support from an instructor
Plotter Set - can be bought on Amazon for around £20
Extra Tuition if required
Please contact us at info@londonschoolofsailing.co.uk to discuss payment options
Please see our BOOKING TERMS AND CONDITIONS for details about changing your course once booked
Previous experience required:
You must have the practical and theoretical ability up to the Day Skipper level before starting the Coastal/Yachtmaster Theory
The course consists of 47 hours of face time online with the instructor
Homework in between sessions will be set, approximately 2 hours per week
After completing the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory course, you are primed with all the knowledge to take you through all the way to Yachtmaster Offshore. The following steps would be either to take your RYA Coastal Skipper course. More skippering experience under your belt and some longer offshore passages to build your logged miles which takes you closer to your Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore qualifications too.
Dead reckoning and estimated position
Satellite-derived position
Use of waypoints to fix position
Radar fixes
Techniques of visual fixing
Fixes using a mixture of position lines;
Relative accuracy of different methods of position fixing
Areas of uncertainty
The magnetic compass
Allowance for variation
Change of variation with time and position
Causes of deviation
Swing for deviation (but not corrected)
Allowance for deviation
Different types of compass
Causes of tides – springs and neaps
Tide tables – sources
Tidal levels and datum
Standard and secondary ports
Tidal anomalies (Solent, etc.)
Tidal Streams
Sources of tidal information
Tidal stream information in sailing directions and yachtsmen’s almanacs
Allowance for tidal streams in computing a course to steer
Tide rips, overfalls and races
Tidal observation buoys, beacons etc.
AILA Bouyage in Region A
Importance of lights as navigational aids
Ranges – visual, luminous and nominal
Rising and dipping distances
Light lists
Harbour regulations and control signals
Methods of pre-planning
Clearing lines
Use of soundings
Transits and leading lines
GPS and chart plotters
Principals of operation and limitations of use
Raster and vector charts
Importance of confirmation of position by an independent source and keeping a separate record of position
Importance of paper charts
Echo sounders
Principles of operation and limitations of use
Logs (speed and distance measuring)
Principals of operation and limitations of use
Deck Log
Importance of the log as the yacht’s official document
Layout of log, hourly and occasional entries
Basic terms, the Beaufort scale
Air masses
Cloud types
Weather patterns associated with pressure and frontal systems
Sources of weather information
Ability to interpret a shipping forecast, weather fax and weather satellite information
Land and sea breezes
Sea fog
Use of a barometer as a forecasting aid
Rule of the road
Sound knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, except annexes 1 and 3
Safety at Sea
Personal safety, use of lifejackets, safety harnesses and lifelines
Fire prevention and fire fighting
Distress signals
Coastguard and Boat Safety Scheme
Preparation for heavy weather
Liferafts and helicopter rescue
Understanding of capabilities of vessel and boat knowledge of stability
Navigation in restricted visibility
Precautions to be taken in fog
Limitations to safe navigation imposed by fog
Navigation strategy in poor visibility
Passage planning
Preparation of charts and notebook for route planning and making, and use at sea
Customs regulations as they apply to yachts
Routine for navigation in coastal waters
Strategy for course laying
Use of waypoints and routes;
Use of weather forecast information for passage planning strategy
Sources of local and national regulations
Marine Environment
Responsibility to minimise pollution and protect the marine environment
Why do it if it’s not going to be fun? At LSS we make sure everyone is having the best possible time at all times. Shouting is a no go and we just ask that you are enthusiastic and willing.
Everyone gets a go at all the jobs, sailing is a team sport and everyone needs to get stuck into the jobs above and below deck.
Connect with your skipper and crew to build new relationships that go beyond the course.
We learn the most about sailing and ourselves when we are being pushed out of our comfort zone.
Senses of humour, no sense of tempers, please…. We believe that people perform best, especially when learning, without a barrage of “encouragement” about how they could be doing it “better”, being hurled their way.
Being Free of Ego is the only way to learn, teach, and improve at sailing. We ask that to sail with us you come with a coachable and relaxed mindset