Booking Terms & Conditions
Version 3 - updated 09 Feb 2024
Terms and Conditions
The London School of Sailing (LSS) and the yachts we use are fully insured against accidents and third-party liability and while we operate a duty of care on board, we are unable to take responsibility for each student’s personal actions and effects.
We recommend you arrange your own insurance cover for cancellation, injury, personal belongings and personal liability.
In the following terms, the word ‘event’ is used to describe all courses, cruises and race participation run by The London School of Sailing.
Booking and Payment
To confirm your booking, The London School of Sailing needs to receive a completed booking form and the booking deposit which is set at 25% of the full event price, unless specified differently.
The London School of Sailing retains the right to decline a booking, in which case the booking deposit will be returned in full.
For major events (e.g. Transatlantic crossings, Offshore mile-builders, The Fastnet Campaign, Dartmouth Regatta, any cruises abroad), unless specified differently, the balance of the (full event price minus booking deposit) shall become payable 10 weeks before the event start date.
For minor events (e.g. RYA training, Round the Island Race, Taittinger Regatta), unless specified differently, the balances of the monies (full event price minus booking deposit) shall become payable one calendar month before the event start date.
All bookings made within 6 weeks of the event date must be paid in full at the time of booking.
If the balance of monies is not paid on time, we may cancel your place on the event and apply the cancellation charges set out below as if you had cancelled your booking.
Payment can be made by bank transfer using the bank details
Account name: London School of Sailing
Sort Code: 04 00 04
Account Number: 82025166
Payment can also be made via credit/debit card using a payment link send privately to you, or by the payment option on the relevant webpage. Payments made in this manner will incur a fee equivalent to STRIPE card fees (different for inside and outside European Zone bank cards) which will be added to the final payment.
To confirm your booking, we will send you a confirmation email with the costs and details of your event. It is your responsibility to check the details on the email and to promptly inform us of any discrepancies.
Once a booking form and deposit have been received the Booking Terms and Conditions shall become binding.
Cancellation and Amendment
If you wish to amend your event booking, we ask you to inform us in writing to bookings@londonschoolofsailing.co.uk. We will make every effort to accommodate your request and any changes may be subject to a sum of £25 per change to cover our administrative costs.
If we are unable to amend your booking and you are unable to attend the event on the original date booked, this will then be considered a cancellation by you and cancellation charges as detailed below will apply. If we are able to fill the space for the event that you had originally booked, a proportion of the cancellation fee may be refunded at our discretion.
If you need to cancel your booking, we ask that you do so in writing to bookings@londonschoolofsailing.co.uk and the cancellation will be effective on the day notification is received.
No refunds can be given for online self-study courses.
In case of a cancellation for a major event (e.g. Transatlantic crossings, Offshore mile-builders, The Fastnet Campaign, Dartmouth Regatta, any cruises abroad), the following charges apply:
100 days or more before departure or event start: deposit only;
71-99 days before departure or event start: 50% of the total event price;
43-70 days before departure or event start: 70% of the total event price;
42 days or less before departure or event start: 100% of the total event price;
In case of a cancellation for a minor event (e.g. RYA training, Round the Island Race, Taittinger Regatta), the following charges apply:
56 days or more before departure or event start: deposit only;
29-56 days before departure or event start: 50% of the total event price;
22-28 days before departure or event start: 70% of the total event price;
21 days or less before departure or event start: 100% of the total event price;
If the reasons for your cancellation are covered under the terms of your insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges. It is your responsbility to satisfy yourself that you are covered. A cancellation invoice will be issued on request.
LSS withholds the right to cancel an event. In this instance, the event is fully refundable. Refunds will be limited to monies already received from you in respect of that event. For the avoidance of doubt, LSS will not cover your costs associated with the cancellation, such as any travel costs you may have incurred.
If an event is cancelled by third-party organiser, LSS will withhold its own event cost (calculated per person) and refund the rest of the paid event fees. Note that sailing is a weather-dependent activity and we cannot be responsible for sailing time lost due to inclement weather. If an event is cannot take place due to severe weather, an alternative date within 3 months may be booked, which will not be considered a cancellation by a third-party organiser.
Obligations of the Participant
Sailing is an active sport and it is your responsibility to ensure you are fit and healthy to take part. Your booking is accepted on the basis that all details in respect of your health and sailing experience are true and accurate and while illness does not preclude you from taking part, we must have relevant details. Please check with your GP if you are in any doubt.
All sporting activities carry an element of risk of personal injury and attendees should accept the risks associated with the activity of their choice. To ensure risks are kept to a minimum you must comply with all safety regulations and instructions stipulated by your instructor or skipper. You must not take any action which may jeopardise the safety of fellow participants, the skipper, your vessel or other vessels.
A zero-tolerance policy will be adopted towards any unacceptable behaviour to The London School of Sailing staff, instructors or volunteers, fellow crew members or neighbouring vessels. We reserve the right to terminate the offending individual’s place on the event and under such circumstances fees will not be refunded; The London School of Sailing will not cover any associated costs of the student.
It is strongly recommended that all those participating in the sport of sailing should be able to swim. If you are a non-swimmer, it is essential you make your instructor aware and they will ensure you wear a life jacket at all times, on deck or in a dinghy.
Obligations of The London School of Sailing
Your event will take place on a yacht in good seaworthy condition and fully compliant with the MCA / RYA regulations. If during the course the yacht becomes damaged or if there is a breakdown in the machinery and the yacht becomes unfit for use, we will endeavour to provide an alternative yacht to enable the event to continue. If a suitable alternative yacht cannot be found, the course may be rescheduled to another date to suit all parties.
We reserve the right to use an alternative yacht other than those specified in our literature.
If due to unforeseen circumstances an alternative yacht cannot be provided, we will cancel the event (see cancellation section).
The London School of Sailing’s health and safety obligations during the Covid-19 pandemic mean that hygiene and social distancing procedures, kept in line with UK Government and Regulatory guidance, will be implemented. The London School of Sailing reserves the right to vary these procedures from time to time as the guidance and advice change.
The Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR
The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) sets out the framework for data protection law in the UK. It replaces the DPA 1998 and sits alongside the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), tailoring how the GDPR applies in the UK. The DPA 2018 came into effect on 25 May 2018, the same date the GDPR came into effect. The GDPR sets out the key principles, rights and obligations for processing personal data. The GDPR continues to remain in force in the post-Brexit UK, as it forms part of the UK Law under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018.
The section below is an overview of how we will treat your data if you sign up to complete a specific course or event with us. Full details of how we manage your data can be found in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
The details you provide in your booking form will be used by us to process your booking and to ensure your safety whilst you are participating in our events. Under the UK GDPR, we are unable to use and keep your details beyond this specific purpose unless you provide consent for us to do so.
The London School of Sailing collects both ‘personal data’ (data which when combined with the name of a person makes them identifiable) and ’special category data’ (personal data which requires additional protection because it is more sensitive). For more information on the types of personal and special category data we collect, refer to our Privacy Policy.
The legal basis on which we process your data and your special category data is as follows:
We process your data with your consent, for example, when you complete and return your Booking Form, agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you have provided your consent for The London School of Sailing to process your data
We need your personal data to enable us to comply with our contractual obligations, for example, we require your data to enable us to provide your sailing course or event
We require your personal data to pursue your and our legitimate interests, for example, enabling both parties to provide and attend your sailing event.
The London School of Sailing processes ’special category’ data on the basis that it fulfils the legal basis above and your explicit consent has been given for us to do so. For example, you have provided your explicit consent for us to process this data when you sign and return the Booking Form.
You have a right a withdraw your consent for The London School of Sailing to process and keep your data at any time. Please note, if you choose to withdraw your consent before your event has taken place, we will not be able to continue your booking. If you have any queries about how we manage your data please contact us at info@londonschoolofsailing.co.uk.
If you are attending an RYA Start Yachting or Competent Crew course, we are requested by the RYA to retain your details for 7 years after the completion of the course. This is to provide a reference point for you if you, for example, lose your certificate. We will hold only the minimum data required for this purpose, your name, details of the course you completed and your contact details. We will delete other data you may have provided at the time of booking, such as health-related details, as they are no longer required. All data will be deleted after 7 years. If you do not want us to retain your data for this period of time, please contact us in writing and we will delete all data held upon completion of your booking with us.
If you are attending an RYA Day Skipper or Coastal Skipper course, the RYA require that the certificates for successful candidates are recorded with the RYA via an online application. From this point, the RYA will retain all information relating to your qualification. The London School of Sailing will delete all data held once your certificate has been registered online. If you require clarification about your certificate or wish to enquire about how your data is being processed by the RYA, please contact the RYA directly at www.rya.org